Personalized One on One Tutoring
Unlock your potential with our personalized one-to-one tutoring classes
Quality Online Tutoring for $95/hour
Join us on Tenney School Live, our innovative online learning platform for personalized tutoring sessions. Schedule a time to connect with our expert teachers in their respective fields and unlock your full potential.
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Subjects Tutored
Our team of educators offer comprehensive tutoring in all essential subjects for middle and high school students, as well as a selection of elective courses. Discover the extensive list of subjects we provide tutoring for below:
- Math 6
- Math 7
- Pre-Algebra
- Algebra I
- Geometry
- Algebra II
- Pre-Calculus
- Calculus
- English 6
- English 7
- English 8
- English I
- English II
- English III (Academic or AP)
- English IV (Academic or AP)
- Life Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Texas History
- World Geography
- World History
- US History
- Sociology
- Psychology
- US Government
- Ecomomics
- AP Human Geography
- AP World History
Ready To Get Started?
Once you schedule your tutoring session, expect an appointment confirmation to be promptly sent your wat. Before your session commences, you will
Also receive an email containing your login information. Payment will be processed during the scheduling process and will cost $95.
(832) 415-9922