Studying is a weak point for almost all students at some point in their academic career. While students spend time learning about study techniques in middle school through executive functioning topics, not all students go into high school with ideal study techniques. That’s why I want to give 6 study tips for high school. Without further ado, let’s jump into tip number 1:


1. Have a Dedicated Study Space

Most students undermine the importance of having a dedicated study space. Making sure the space is separated from distractions and other areas associated with comfortability in a home is important for maintaining focus. Do not feel like you’re limited to studying only at home. Many students prefer studying at the school library or another similar space that’s far separated from distractions. Establishing what makes studying comfortable for you now is essential for when you decide to go to college. The reason for this is that college gives you the independence to study how you want leaving many students studying inefficiently. If you know what works for you before starting college, it will give you a leg up over the competition!

2. Create a Schedule

Creating a schedule is one of the most commonly overlooked study tips for high school. Planning your day is not only a great efficiency tool, but can also motivate you to accomplish laborious tasks like studying. You can begin establishing a study schedule by first mapping out your day. It’s important to include all aspects like homework, extracurriculars, clubs, etc. The reasoning for this is it will show you when you have gaps in your schedule to fit in some study time. Keep in mind that you want to give yourself time for breaks and recreational fun. Only slot in study time at points in the day where you feel like it wouldn’t endanger you of burning out.

3. Reward Yourself

Giving yourself a reward is a great way to get motivated to study. Many students will cram in as much as possible for as long as they need while studying. This is detrimental to your mental health and can lead to burn out. It’s important to give yourself anywhere from a 5 to 10 minute break at the end of each hour of studying. had this to say about breaks during study time:

Research shows that taking purposeful breaks (anywhere from 5–60 minutes) from studying to refresh your brain and body increases your energy, productivity, and ability to focus.

4. Form a Study Group

Study groups are a great way to make studying more engaging for high schoolers. Meeting with classmates opens the door to additional help as well as giving you the chance to learn from a different perspective. Many students have different approaches to solving problems which can add some new tools to your “toolbox”.

There can be a drawback to study groups if they become too distracting. If it reaches this case it can actively work against the study session and make it even more unproductive. When forming a study group, we recommend only studying with classmates in the class your studying for. If you study with friends outside of that class, it can open the door to those distractions we discussed.

5. Ask Questions

Often times the most difficult thing for students when studying is reviewing the right content. Especially for larger exams like finals, students can get caught up studying the wrong things. This is why it’s important to ask your teacher questions. If your nervous about asking questions during class time, show up early or stay late to ask questions. This is a great way to verify the content you should be studying as well as assisting in getting help for any topics you may be struggling with. It also shows the teacher that you’re invested which has it’s benefits as well.

6. Tutoring Services

Another great way to help your study technique is to try out tutoring services. Tutors give a fresh perspective on the content, and can even assist with setting up a study routine for you. They can also be found in almost any subject too. Another big benefit is their ability to identify your weaknesses. We’d recommend checking out our tutors HERE if you’re interested in one-on-one tutoring. The benefit of TenneyTutors is you get private school teachers tutoring you. Making private school level instruction affordable for all. I hope these study tips for high school helped you develop a routine for getting back on track. If you have your own tips you’d like to share, reach out to us at:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is TenneyTutors?

TenneyTutors is an online tutoring service designed for students in grades 5 through 12. Our tutors are professionally trained educators, all of whom are active teachers at our in-person private school, The Tenney School.

What is the Cost of a Tutoring Session?

Each TenneyTutors session is priced at $95 per hour. Once you select a convenient date and time with an available tutor, you will be prompted to complete the payment for the session. After payment is received, your tutor will contact you to provide further details regarding your upcoming appointment.

How Do I Book a Session?

You can book a session with one of our tutors by visiting our scheduling page. Simply choose the subject you need help with, and a list of available tutors, along with the courses they teach, will appear. Select the tutor that best matches your needs, and you'll be shown their available dates and times. After selecting a time, you will be prompted to pre-pay for the session. Each esession is 95$ per hour.

What is the Process For Online Tutoring?

When a session is scheduled, a Microsoft Teams meeting event is automatically created for both the student and tutor. Before the session, the tutor will reach out to gather additional information to ensure the time is used as effectively as possible. At the scheduled time, the tutor will initiate the call with the student to begin the session.