Find An AP Physics Tutor!
AP Physics Tutors For Only $90/hour
Select Your Tutor
Select your AP Physics tutor from the full list available below. Each tutor has their name, qualifications, and subjects taught listed under their profile. Each tutor is a private school teacher at our private school: The Tenney School!
Pick a Time
We make Scheduling an AP Physics tutor easy! Just hit the ‘schedule now’ button to view the tutor’s available dates. Once selecting a date and time, you pay through the calendar and you’re ready for your session!
Meet and Learn
Our AP Physics tutors generally spend the first session understanding the students needs and what they need to accomplish. Depending on the students goals, the teacher will build out a plan for them to maximize their time during their sessions!
Your Personalized AP Physics Tutor
Our team of specialized, AP Physics tutors are specially trained in a one-on-one environment. All of our tutors are professional, one-on-one private school teachers at our school: The Tenney School. This means our teachers are expertly trained to handle every type of student imaginable to handle their needs during their tutoring!
Perfect For All Types of Students
Our online AP Physics tutors are on standby ready to help your student achieve their goals! Whether your student is looking for help on advanced Physics concepts or if they’re looking to get ahead, we have the right tutors for them!
What Is TenneyTutors?
TenneyTutors is our online tutoring service for students all across the country! We utilize our Tenney School Live platform to make our expert, one-to-one teachers available to students outside of the Houston area.
All of our teachers are part of our one-to-one private school: The Tenney School. This means our teachers are experts in teaching students one-on-one, making them the perfect tutors for your student! In addition, they’re all private school teachers! This means your getting the absolute best tutoring sessions possible for your student!

Nancy Lipp
- Louisiana State University, B.M.E
- University of New Orleans, M.S. in Engineering
- Louisiana State University, M.S. in Industrial Engineering
Subjects Tutored
- AP Physics
- Physics (11th and 12th grade)

Beth Hammer
- College of Charleston, B.S. in History/Geology
Subjects Tutored
- 6th Grade Science
- 8th Grade Science
- Integrated Physics and Chemistry

David Nguyen
- University of Kansas, Master of Education
- Wichita State University, B.S. in Chemistry
Subjects Tutored
- AP Chemistry
- Chemistry Tutoring

Landra Williams
- Texas Southern University, B.S. in Physics
- Jackson State University, B.S. in Biology
Subjects Tutored
- Biology
Have Questions? Give Us a Call!
Once you schedule your tutoring session, expect an appointment confirmation to be promptly sent your wat. Before your session commences, you will
Also receive an email containing your login information. Payment will be processed during the scheduling process and will cost $90.
(832) 415-9922