Insights from Our Tutoring Blog

Schoolwork Organization | 5 Tips For Being a Successful Student

For a student, organization is no new concept. As early as pre-school, organization is taught and instilled in students as an important part of development. Furthermore, the middle school years are the most important for learning executive functioning. Many students...

High School Math Classes | Why Students Struggle

For many students in high school, math classes pose the biggest academic obstacle. There's a number of reasons why a student struggles with math and I want to discuss what these reasons are and why. The Why Complex Concepts One of the biggest hurdles for students is...

How Tutoring Can Help You Prepare For Final Exams

As summer approaches, students across the country will begin preparing for their final exams. Yet, exam season can be a source of stress and anxiety, with many students being unsure how to prepare properly. If you (or a student in your life) are unsure how to study in...
How Tutoring Can Help You Prepare For Final Exams

How Tutoring Can Help You Prepare For Final Exams

As summer approaches, students across the country will begin preparing for their final exams. Yet, exam season can be a source of stress and anxiety, with many students being unsure how to prepare properly. If you (or a student in your life) are unsure how to study in...

How Do I Decide What College Is Right for Me?

How Do I Decide What College Is Right for Me?

Have you had your heart set on attending an Ivy League university? Are you still undecided about where you want to apply next fall? The Tenney School’s career counselors can help you consider potential career paths that fit you. We can help you understand the steps...

Why is My Student Getting Bad Grades?

Why is My Student Getting Bad Grades?

As a parent, it's natural to question why a student may be struggling with their grades. It's essential to remember that every student is unique and learns at their own pace. While bad grades can be concerning, they don't have to define a student's academic journey....

Proven High School Success Methods

Proven High School Success Methods

High school is a pivotal period in a student's life, shaping not only their personal growth but also laying the foundation for their academic success. As students navigate through high school, they are also navigating towards their future goals and aspirations. This...

Mastering Study Habits: 10 Tips for Academic Success

Mastering Study Habits: 10 Tips for Academic Success

Developing strong study habits is essential for students to succeed in their academic endeavors. By establishing effective study routines, students can enhance their learning experience and achieve their academic goals. Here are ten valuable tips to help students...