One-to-One Learning and What We Learn From Tutoring

One-to-One Learning and What We Learn From Tutoring

A traditional classroom environment can be acceptable for many students, but it is rarely the best possible way to learn. At TenneyTutors, we’ve adopted the one-on-one learning model from our private school: The Tenney School. We’ve found many of our...
How Much is a Tutor?

How Much is a Tutor?

As a parent, it can be overwhelming at the choices you have when it comes to tutors. How much is a tutor? Should I do in person or remote tutoring? Does it actually work? These are all valid questions to be asking yourself while considering a tutor for your student....
What is Tutoring?

What is Tutoring?

So what is tutoring exactly? Here at TenneyTutors we pride ourselves on our one-to-one, online style of tutoring. Every single one of our tutors are one-to-one specialized private school teachers at our school: The Tenney School. The benefit of having a private school...