Insights from Our Tutoring Blog

5 Study Hacks for Middle School Students

Starting in middle school, students have more freedom then ever before. They walk to their own classes, are responsible for keeping track of homework, and get to choose which electives to take. All of this responsibility can quickly overwhelm students which can...

College Admissions Secrets: What They Don’t Want You to Know

It's college application season for many juniors and seniors across the country. Each year, colleges change things up to keep us on our toes but there's a handful of college admissions secrets that they don't want you to know! These secrets will help you stand out...

One On One Tutoring | 6 Ways to Find the Right Tutor

One on one tutoring may seem enticing to some, but chances are you may have hesitations about it actually being worth it. Many students claim they have bad experiences with tutoring but maybe they just had a bad tutor. When selecting a tutor, it is integral to choose...
Managing Your Mental Health at School

Managing Your Mental Health at School

Mental health is important. Students must maintain good mental health because when they don’t, their wellness and performance will deteriorate. As parents, it’s possible to help your student keep their mental health in check. Here are a few things that will improve...

Why School Days Should Be Shorter

Why School Days Should Be Shorter

Shorter school days may seem like a bad idea at first glance. Students get less instruction time with teachers, less time for tests, more potential homework, and more. Our private school: The Tenney School has been using shorter class periods for over half a century...