Insights from Our Tutoring Blog

6 Study Tips for High School

Studying is a weak point for almost all students at some point in their academic career. While students spend time learning about study techniques in middle school through executive functioning topics, not all students go into high school with ideal study techniques....

Is Computer Science Considered STEM?

What Is STEM? Before we talk about computer science we first need to discuss what STEM exactly is. STEM is an acronym stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It is a very general term that encompasses many different fields of study under one...

Why the STAAR Test is Bad

Ever since the STARR test replaced the TAKS test, it has come under critique for a number of reasons. I want to discuss some reasons why the STAAR test is a bad benchmark for students.STAAR Vs. TAKS The STAAR test is the original replacement for the TAKS test....
Why School Days Should Be Shorter

Why School Days Should Be Shorter

Shorter school days may seem like a bad idea at first glance. Students get less instruction time with teachers, less time for tests, more potential homework, and more. Our private school: The Tenney School has been using shorter class periods for over half a century...

What is a Dual Enrollment Class?

What is a Dual Enrollment Class?

  High school for many students is overwhelming when it comes to the choices in classes for students. It's the first time where you can fill your schedule up with classes that you wish to take. While perusing the class list, I'm sure you have noticed the dual...

Is Psychology a Social Science?

Is Psychology a Social Science?

  Social sciences are a large part of the academic sphere. It includes many different types of sciences and is a great field to look into. Many universities have a dedicated college to social science. Because of this, social sciences are one of the largest fields...